Sunday, May 08, 2016

The bags are packed...

and we're ready to go!  That's right, it's time to leave in the morning for our 3 months of home assignment speaking in the states. The last few weeks have been filled with preparations, and while it's hard to leave home for 3 months, we are overwhelmed with the amazing ways that God works and the incredible people he has put in our lives.

The boys get to finish school a few weeks before their friends, but they love their friends and teachers so much, they don't even realize that it's a cool thing to miss some school. ;)

We have also been blessed to spend the last few days with Stan and Bev Arnold, who are serving at our church while we are gone.  Stan and Bev are friends of Brian's parents, and Stan recently retired from being an Army Chaplain.  Some of our earlier plans changed last year, and in January and February of this year we were still looking for a volunteer couple to come serve in Okinawa this summer.  Brian's Mom (yay Alice!) talked to Bev about the possibility of Okinawa, and she and Stan immediately knew that this was an adventure God had for them.  It is so amazing to see how God works. All the details were quickly taken care of, and we have had so much fun getting to know the Arnolds and showing them our amazing communities in Okinawa... we even got to have sushi together for Mother's Day. :)

So, we leave in the morning, and after a few days of jet lag recovery in Texas, we'll be off to Colorado for some time with friends and family in the mountains.  Here is our schedule if you'd like to try and see us when we're speaking.  Thank you for your prayers for our church and family during this time... we can't wait to see what God does next!

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