Thursday, January 15, 2009

Japan Culture Day

This last Tuesday was Japan Culture Day at APNTS chapel, so Justin wore his yukakata (traditional Japanese outfit for boys) that our wonderful Japanese friends gave him for Christmas. Doesn't he make a handsome Japanese boy? ;)

He even got to help with leading the worship songs during chapel. :)

He looked great until it was lunch time, and they were serving spaghetti (his favorite meal) in the dining hall, and mommy had forgotten to bring a bib... but his messy spaghetti face and spaghetti-covered yukata make for really cute pictures. :)

It was also a very special chapel for us. Brian has been asked to participate in every Japan Culture Day since we've been at APNTS, but he wasn't able to this year because he is in the states for NYI meetings. So our friends made a short video of Brian telling about his ministry with Japanese through the wedding chapels in Guam. It's so encouraging to have friends that care and show appreciation for things we did years ago, when they didn't even know us! I pray that we can be that same kind of friend - to always exhibit an encouraging and loving spirit.


Laura said...

And Just looks so Japanese...well, maybe not.

~ Marty Alan Michelson, Ph.D. said...

He's got Brian's eyes.

Jill Rathburn said...

Justin's a perfect baby in ANY culture!
And, yes, he's got Brian's eyes... and, he's starting to get some hair!
Grandma Jill